Загадка феи Драже: при чём здесь слива.

Вы любите балет "Щелкунчик"? 


Это гениальное музыкальное произведение великого композитора Петра Ильича Чайковского, ставшее неотъемлемой частью мировой культуры и вошедшие в  традицию празднования Нового года и Рождества. Эта история игрушечного солдатика для колки орехов была когда-то рассказана немцем Гофманом, затем переложена французом Дюма, и именно последняя версия стала основой для русского балета.

На занятиях курса изучения английского языка детям онлайн мы разобрали сюжет и пришли к таким выводам

 Путешествия Щелкунчика по сказочным мирам наполнены различными танцами. Как оказалось, не просто так. Например, каждый из национальных танцев представляет сласть или напиток. На обложке пластинки так и написано: арабский танец (кофе), китайский танец (чай), испанский танец (шоколад), русский танец (трепак)... стоп, трепак же - не еда и не напиток, а самый настоящий танец. Чтобы не выбивать русский танец из общего ряда, принято считать, что он представляет пряник. 


 Но есть в балете ещё и танец феи Драже. Знаете ли вы как фея Драже называется по-английски? Sugar plum. То есть сахарная слива. Что интересно, в других языках Европы и её окрестностей сей персонаж зовётся либо Сахарной феей, либо, как в русском, Драже ("Tanz der Zuckerfee", "Danza del Hada de Azúcar". “Dança da Fada Açucarada”, "Danse de la Fée Dragée", "La Fata Confetto"). Никакими сливами и не пахнет. Откуда в английском переводе слива? 


Дело в том, что словом Sugar plum в Англии называли не засахаренную слива, не чернослив, а действительно небольшие сахарные леденцы, и не потому что они содержали сливу, а за их небольшую округлую форму. То есть, Sugar plum - это и вправду драже, вовсе не обязательно со сливовым вкусом, хотя и в том числе. 


Хотя в классическом балете это не песня, завораживающая мелодия не осталась без слов. В разных постановках из пляски сделали ещё и песню. Вот несколько существующих, реально исполнявшихся вариантов текстов.  В нескольких из них – это даже не танец феи, а танец самих драже! Действительно, у некоторых носителей английского эта музыка ассоциируются с танцующими конфетками или несколькими феями-конфетками. 


Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (#1)


There’s a kingdom just beyond a star,

not too far,

you can go if you only dare.


In that kingdom you’ll find

every sweet tasty treat

you can eat waiting for you there.


It’s a magic place, a lovely sight,

pure delight,

if you go, you will want to stay.


If dare you now, we’ll go there now,

through the air now, today!


The trees are hung with candy canes

bright red

and white


With choc’late streets and licorice lanes

a love-ly sight


Blueberry sky,

lemon sun,

fields of lime where we can run




There’s a kingdom just beyond a star,

not too far,

you can go if you only dare.


In that kingdom you’ll find

every sweet tasty treat

you can eat waiting for you there.


It’s a magic place, a lovely sight,

pure delight,

if you go, you will want, to stay!


If dare you now, we’ll go there now,

through the air now, today!


Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (#2)


See the candy fairies, sugar-plums, jelly-beans, chocolate bars,

Dance the minuet,

With the candied cherries, lolly-pops, peppermints, candy-canes,

As they pirouette,

See the FAIRY PRINCESS curtsying, gracefully, beautifully,

Swaying to the tune ...

Music in the air (so entrancing)

Flowers in her hair (as she's dancing)

Love is everywhere (Ah-h-h-h-h-h-h-h)

'Neath the yellow lemon-drop moon.

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies (#3)


She's dancing, she's dancing when you hear that sound .

The princess loves to dance all night .

She built a home out of candy canes .

No one can hurt her or stop the music .

She's dancing, she's dancing all night .

The story that never gets old .

A childhood memory with lots of carols .

A christmas memory .

Don't all make scense?

The dance of the sugar plum fairy so fair, so calm, yet alarming .

Make it snow while she's dancing .

Dance with her, won't you rescue her?



Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (#4)


 Can’t you see those lovely sugar plums, dancing here, dancing there, dancing all around? 

Can’t you see those lovely sugar plums, jumping here, jumping there, jumping up and down? 

Can’t you see those lovely sugar plums hopping here, popping there, never make a sound?

 They’re so yummy, in my tummy, nice and gummy, sugar plums!



Dance of the Sugar Plums (#5)


Here they dance, the sparkling sugar plums,

Gracefully pointing their tiny little feet.

Here they dance so brightly, in a ring,

Shimmering, glimmering, dainty and petite.

One by one they glide and pirouette,

Minuet, silhouette, to the tinkling beat.

In the twilight, in the moonlight, in the starlight

They dance.

Here in the glow of the moonlight

They dance to the tune of the beautiful silvery flute,

Here in the glow of the moonlight

They dance to the tune of the beautiful silvery flute,

They dance,

They dance to fairy music sparkling light,

They tread the moon beams of the night.


Be My Guest

 (Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy)

How'd you do? 

Oh, won't you 

Try a sweet, 

Candy meat 

Good to eat. 

Make yourself at home. 

Try a pie, 

The candy's handy 

Have a slice 

Of this nice 

Chocolate honeycomb.


How'd you do? 

Oh won't you 

Be my guest, 

Try the best 


Ice cream ever made. 

Take a cake! 

What tasty pastry! 

Yum, yum yum, 

Sample some 

Cherry marmalade.




Существуют и другие песни на музыку из «Щелкунчика».



Come ring the curtain up, the drama is beginning!

Watch as the spotlight shows a merry bit of make believe.

First come the sugar plums, those dainty little dancers,

Pirouetting on their toes, they make a charming arabesque.

Then a Russian ballet in a Trepak dancing,

So entrancing, prancing on.

Then a tiny company of shining toy flutes

Shrilling, trilling, dancing on.

Flowers all together in a grand finale end the ballet merrily,

And now the band begins to play delightful music bright and gay,

Fiddles bowing!

Pipers blowing!

Up goes the curtain, now the drama is beginning

Watch as the spot light shows a merry bit of make believe.

Dance of the Toy Flutes

Tootie little flutes so cute and shrill,

Toe to toe they toddle to the square dance.

Here's a little boy flute,

There's a pretty coy flute,

Ev'ryone's a toy but all are filled with joy.

Listen to the flutes that toot and trill,

They just play away and wouldn't dare dance.

Lazy and legato, crazy and staccato,

For the dance they play.

Flirty little flutes in flounce and frill

See their high-falutin' tootin' pair dance.

Watch the shiny tin flute waltzin' with the thin flute,

Listen to the din when they go in a spin.

Hear them all salute that flute quadrille,

More exciting than a county fair dance.

Now a big glissando, then accelerando,

Toot! Scoot!

To the flutes they dance.

Waltz of the Flowers

Hark to the woodland call.

Come to the Waltz of the Flowers.

Ev'ry little flower on the hill;

Ev'ry little yellow daffodil

Hurries to the wonderful waltz of the flowers.

Here by the garden wall

Roses will waltz with magnolias,

Violets and morning glories fair,

Mignonettes and orchids will be there.

All the world of flow'rs join in this wonderful waltz.

And ev'ryone is singing, swinging, dancing,

Whirling, swirling, prancing,

Bending, blending, glancing

Side by side, to the melody they glide.

Lilies lilting, tulips tilting,

And forget-me-nots remembering.

Poppies playing, dahlias swaying,

And gardenias are saying

"Dance, flowers, dance!

Dance while the music brings romance."

The melody flows, the harmony grows,

Designing a magic spell to the rhythmic beat.

Dance, flow'rs, dance!

As delicate perfume fills the air,

(Enchanted with)

Love is calling you, love enthralling you,

Love had come from the flowers.

Lilies lilting, tulips tilting,

And forget-me-nots remembering.

Poppies playing, dahlias swaying,

As the trees above are rustling in rhythm.

While ev'ryone is singing, swinging, dancing,

Whirling, swirling, prancing,

Bending, blending, glancing

Side by side they glide.

As they hark to the woodland call.

Come to the waltz of the flowers!

Here by the garden wall,

Join in these magical hours.

Blooms in all their splendor,

Bending in surrender,

Then the symphony with majesty

Soars higher in triumph,

With petals flashing,

Color splashing,

Swirling, unfurling,

And caught in the whirl

Of this wonderful waltz of the flow'rs.


March Of The Toy Soldiers

Midnight in the house, the church bells chime.

Midnight in the house, a magic time!

Listen, you will hear tiny feet draw near.

The mouse-keteers come into view!

Midnight in the house, the church bells chime.

Midnight in the house, a magic time!

Soldiers fast asleep awaken with a leap!

Oh here they come a marching two by two!

Forward march and never fear!

Oh, forward march, the foe draws near!

Midnight in the house, "To arms!" they cry!

Midnight in the house, "We'll do or die!"

Mice and soldiers come to the beating

of the drum,a raging pandemonium!

Midnight in the house, "To arms!" they cry!

Midnight in the house, "We'll do or die!"

The battle sound is all around!

Alas! A cheer from a tiny mouse-keteer!

Forward march! Don't count the cost!"

Oh! "Forward march! All is not lost!"

Oh! Midnight in the house, the battle's won!

When the mouse King fails we see

the surest sign of victory!

Midnight in the house, the siege is done!

Midnight in the house, the battle's won!

Off to sleep they go in the afterglow!

Tiny toys beneath the Christmas tree.



Russian Dance

We've got a Russian recipe!

All that a recipe should be!

It makes, it bakes sweet Russian tea cakes.

We've got a recipe so sweet,

it's sure to knock you off your feet;

It's baked a night by Russian candle light.

First, get the oven hot! If it's not,

then you may have a big surprise!

Then, butter, flour, and salt, sugar too,

fine chopped nuts a cup will do;

A touch, a touch, some sweet vanilla adds so very much!

We've got a Russian recipe!

All that a recipe should be!

It's right for every Russian appetite!

We've got a recipe so great,

We guarantee that it won't wait!

A bit or two or three or four will make you beg and cry for more!

A bit or two or three or four will make you sigh

and cry and beg for more… HEY!

Другой вариант:


 (Russian Dance)

Dance if you feel the least downhearted. 

Dance and you'll feel good once you've started. 

You'll ho, you'll hee, you'll ha with a yip, and a yep 

Full of pep as you step, step, step.

Dance if you feel like trouble's coming. 

Dance, let your feet go lightly drumming. 

You turn with a flip, a flap, a clip, 

A clop, a clap, a tap, tap, tap.


Happiness comes from dancing, 

Starts with a tickle in your feet. 

Hard though the step you're chancing, 

Somehow the joy's complete.


Dance if you feel the least downhearted. 

Dance and you'll feel good once you've started. 

You'll ho, you'll hee, you'll ha with a yip, a yep 

Full of pep as you step, step, step.




Happiness comes from dancing, 

Starts with a tickle in your feet. 

Hard though the step you're chancing, 

Somehow the joy's complete.


Dance if you feel the least downhearted. 

Dance and you'll feel good once you've started. 

You'll ho, you'll hee, you'll ha with a yip, and a yep 

Full of pep as you step, step, step.

Третий вариант:



Hark to the sound of the balalaika,

Hark to the shouts of the merry crowds

Who dance and sing 'til the rafters ring,

And click their feet to the pounding beat.

'Round and around see the maidens whirling,

'Round and around in a mighty swirling...

Flashing eyes and merry cries

For hearts are light this festive night.

Swing to the balalaikas playing,

Swing to the tambourines, they're saying,

"Ev'rybody, ev'rybody, join us in the dance tonight."

And if you happen to discover

Somebody dancing with your lover,

Have another vodka, have another vodka,

Vodka always makes things bright.

All to the trepak dancing, all to the trepak dancing,

On and on until the dawn

They sing and play the night away.

All to the trepak dancing, all to the trepak dancing,

On and on the night is gone

They dance and play until the day.

Hark to the sound of the balalaika,

Hark to the shouts of the merry crowds

Who dance and sing 'til the rafters ring,

And click their feet to the pounding beat.

'Round and around see the maidens whirling,

'Round and around in a mighty swirling...

High-yah! High-yah! High-yah! Ho!


Dance of the Reed Flutes(Marsipan)

We are candy flutes as you can see.

Bright and sweet as candy flutes should be!

Red and white and yummy,

Tasty in you tummy!!

Come! We'll dance for you so deliciously!

Candy flutes are playing. Too-dle-oo-dle-aying!

Hear the merry tune we play;

We'll pipe the day away!

Just hear us play; Too-dle-oo, too-dle-ay!

We are the candy flutes and in the land

Everything is sweet and simply grand!

It is plain to see here; children love to be here,

Where the sweetest things are always close at hand!

Candy flutes are playing, too-dle-oo-dle-ay-ing

So sweetly so grand!

Loo loo loo loo loo looloo, etc…

We're dancing and playing, too-dle-oo-dle-au-ing!

We are candy flutes and we believe magic happens every Chrismas Eve!

If you like to stay here permanently play here, you don't have to leave!


Arabian Dance


Desert sands that spin and blow;

Distant stars that gleam and glow;

Desert midnight; Camels lie sleeping;

Silver moon shines bright

Desert midnight;

Silent sands keeping watch while winds blow

soft and slow through the night.

Desert sands that spin and blow;

Distant stars that gleam and glow;

Desert midnight;

Chill in the air now,

Everywhere now, until dawn.

Desert midnight; Song of the night sky, of the bright sky,

Lingers on, and on.

Desert sands that spin and blow;

Distant stars that gleam and glow;

Desert midnight; Camels lie sleeping;

Silver moon shines bright; Desert midnight;

Silent sands keeping watch all through the night.


Chinese Dance


Tea! Chinese tea! What a find blend we'll brew

(we'll brew) for you!

Tea! Chinese tea! It's a new trend, long o

(long o) over due! (ver-due!)

Chinese tea is the best tea!

Chinese tea is the guest tea!

Tea! Chinese tea! Won't you try some?

Just try, (just try!)

You'll sigh! (You'll sigh)

Tea! Chinese tea! Won't you buy some?

It's great! (It's great!)

Just wait! (Just wait!)

The smell (the smell)

Is swell (Is swell)

One sip, (one sip)

You'll flip! (you'll flip!)

Get in the know just say "Pe-koe!"


Другой вариант: 

Let's make a feast, that's the least we can do. 

Make it grand and make it great. 

Now's the time to celebrate. 

Let's make a feast, that's the least we can do. 

Where your spats and funny hats. 

Bring your friends with you.


Let's have a happy acrobat, 

A juggler and a clown. 

Let's throw balloons up in the air and 

Squash 'em when they come down. 

Oh, let's make a feast, that's the least we can do. 

Like a trick, let's do it quick, 

And it will come true.


Waltz of the Flowers

Flowers of every hue;

Red, yellow, pink, white, and light blue.

Beauty so bright in the sunlight.


Fair flowers surround you.

Sweet perfume fills the air;

Sweet as the breath of the fair spring.

Pretty flowers sway in a dainty way;

All the petals seem to say, "let's dance to day!"

Every flower a dream come true!

Roses red as firelight;

Daisies gold and sun bright;

Violets of deep blue;

Everyone a dream come true!

Ah… Ah…

Spinning, whirling, dancing twirling;

Every lovely bud unfurling

Spinning swaying, dancing, playing;

Turning round and round and round

and round and round and round!

Roses red as fire light!

Daisies gold and bright!


Come join them as they bend and sway,

A dancing rainbow on a summer day!

All spinning and whirling and dancing and twirling;

All spinning and swaying and dancing and playing!

A rainbow of color, a sweet dream come true!




Образ фей Драже используется в популярных рождественских песнях и стихи. 


All the children are tucked in their beds

Sugar-plum fairies dancing in their heads

Snowball fighting, it's so exciting baby


